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Florida: The Sunshine State


We created the entire concept, video/ audio editing, and motion graphics for the promo:
Florida - The Sunshine State

Language: English

Broadcast Beat Studios


Created the concept, edited and designed the motion graphics for the promo "Broadcast Beat Studios".

Language: English

Gospel Music Box


"Gospel Music Box" is a music video show that we created for YouTube. We developed the entire idea, edited and designed the motion graphics.

Language: Portuguese

Simple MD


Created the structure, motion graphic package, video editing, and audio mixing the health and wellness podcast "Simple MD".

Language: English

Shopping 4 Treasures

YouTube Content

Created and developed the entire concept for the YouTube show, "Shopping 4 Treasures". Shot, edited and designed the motion graphics.

Language: English

Cocinando para Solteros

YouTube Content

"Cocinando para Solteros" is a cooking channel on YouTube that we developed the idea for the client. We shot all episodes, edited and designed the motion graphics.

Language: Spanish

Hoje em Dia

Branding: Promo

Created the motion graphic package and edited the branding video content for a morning Brazilian TV show "Hoje em Dia", Record TV.

Language: Portuguese

O Convocado

TV Game Show

Structured the entire adventure TV show, also provided all the post-production services, motion graphic design, video/ audio editing for "O Convocado", Record TV. This was a Brazilian TV show broadcasted throughout the entire country.

Language: Portuguese

 Creative Bees Designs is a design boutique located in South Florida that provides a large range of creative services like video editing, color grading, motion graphic design, branding design, design of printing materials and web design. We also develop and create graphics and video content for Social Media channels.
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